About My Book

Praise for Marsha’s book:

Mending Abortion Trauma breaks the silence surrounding the abortion process.  Enter this slow time journey for the connection, beauty and wisdom contained within these pages. Whether you have experienced abortion or support a loved one making this difficult decision, this is truly a book for our times.

~ Marie Maccagno, M.A., author of “The Chocolate Pilgrim: A Journey to Self-discovery and Transformation on the Camino de Santiago”

This book is truly an oasis in the journey across the desert of abortion trauma.  It is simple yet powerful, wise and caring.  It is a resource for both women and men who seek ritual transformation from the pain they might still carry.  This guidebook and journal would be a great tool for group study or a healing circle.

~ Steve Donahue, Bestselling author of “Shifting Sands: A Guidebook for Crossing the Deserts of Change”

Mending Abortion Trauma with Presence is a book that understands how the cracks in the flow of life caused by abortion ceaselessly call out for healing. Through artistic reflections and journaling exercises, the reader traverses the path taken when heeding that call. They discover that something of beauty is created when they bear witness to the silenced trauma.

~ Kimberley Lewis, author of “Conception to Consciousness:  The Mystery of the First Three Years”

Purchasing Mending Abortion Trauma with Presence

You can order my book from your favorite bookstore or Amazon.com.

The book is a 7"x10" soft cover journal/guidebook.
An E-Book format is available.

An excerpt from the Introduction:

“Walk with the question and the question will walk you. You are the walking answer.” —Thomas Hübl

“I never told anyone.”

Abortion is a complex symptom of our fragmented culture, where we see life through the lens of separation and individualism. This dehumanizes abortion into a thing and a topic rather than a profound process to be contemplated: our sexuality, the life-giving womb, death, and the influences of our family and our ancestral patterns. This polarized conversation in our society reflects our imbalance of power, where women are not respected for our innate connection to the earth and to the fate of our children. We are all complicit in this numbness and women are part of the polarization.

How to find the way to unravel this destructive structure is our looming question. Seeing how complex this process is, when traveling through these pages, go slow and at your own pace, allowing whatever wants to emerge as welcome information. Remember, we are dipping our toes in a strong trauma field and self-care is important. 

“I didn’t know how to talk about it.”

A few years ago, I walked out of a session with Thomas Hübl, after having witnessed a poignant process around abortion. It was the end of a long day with 150 other brave souls participating in a week of Timeless Wisdom Training. I felt agitated and ungrounded. I had had two abortions and what I heard Thomas indicate was that there are consequences for both woman and man. I had not heard anyone say this before, so a fearful voice in my head shouted, Oh NO . . . What does that mean? Am I doomed? I then turned to one of my colleagues, Kelly, and we began to share how the session impacted us. She told me she loved being pregnant while she also knew she would seek an abortion.

Now I was riveted, and my agitation turned into pure curiosity. A part of me just didn’t believe her. I had never heard anyone say such a thing. I sensed a crack in my little world. I had zoned out on my whole experience of being pregnant during both abortion processes. I just wanted to get through to each procedure, and I missed a pivotal time of my life —being pregnant. I thought love and abortion couldn’t go together at all. Where did I get that idea? I wondered what else I had missed. What did other women experience? Searching for answers to these questions evolved into this guidebook/journal. 

Example pages from the book.

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