I may not know you yet, and I would love to hear what brought you here. Perhaps you have recently started using my journal/guidebook designed to nurture healing from abortion.

Mending Abortion Trauma with Presence: a Journal and Guidebook
Through the Canyon of Silence (pub.July 2024)

Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon this website. No matter how you arrived, know that I’m here to support you on your journey of introspection and reflection.

The consequences for abortion vary from woman to woman but are inescapable. Connection is essential when facing such a personal challenge, especially when decisions are often made in secrecy and silence. Afterwards there may be few opportunities for sharing or processing what just happened. Choosing abortion is an experience that overwhelms many because it requires action that is time sensitive. The whole process is basically too much too fast too soon, and the intelligence of our nervous systems responds by storing the information for later.

I was inspired to create this gentle guide into the challenging experience of abortion out of my own experience, and because it has become a political football. I was moved to offer resources of beauty with paintings, poems, inspirational quotes and prompts, intended to help you move through the exercises in this guidebook. Your own fresh writing and creative expressions will move you into deeper relationship with this complex process and give you an opportunity to reclaim what was lost. I also included personal stories from women who value connection through listening and sharing.

My vision for this book is to build a new culture of openness and to reflect and learn from our experiences. It is designed for us, women with heart. Use it personally or in a small group to mend what has been hurt with presence.

My artful solution of writing, painting, teaching and offerings here in the website is my way of going deeper with intention. I mend pieces of my heart as I create.

Welcome to our growing community.


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Slow Motion Prayer

Get real quiet and listen in.

Keep going.
You’ll notice before long, some small tendril

of desire wrapped around the minerals that make you.

Feel it pull up through your core,

like a river of blue opal laced through boulder stone.
Let the breath lift and dance you
as bending grass dances with fragrant wind.
We know that longing can hurt. But realize it matters.

Your longing is slow motion prayer.

Remember that the world too is longing for you
to get out of your own holy way,

so raise yourself up, hands open and heart first.

We live on the wild edge of death and birth.
It’s up to us to begin again.
Your belonging matters more than ever.
Every small dream of a thriving world

is one note in the new song,
one thread in the new story,
one cell in this earth body—
pulsing towards vitality.

~ Emily Kedar